So Far, So Good

Blogging the journey...

Monday, 26 January 2009

Lord love a duck!

I get a daily hit of Cute Overload! Makes.My.Day. Big, big thank you to CO for bringing me this little item:

I so had to share that with y'all. I recommend you sign up for your daily dose of Cute.


Friday, 9 January 2009

We still thinkin' about yuh*

23 July 1956 - 9 January 2008


*from "Whether or Not" by Roi Kwabena (MP3 audio)

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Thursday, 1 January 2009

Happy New Year - 2009!

Every 1 January since 2007 I make a point of working on this afghan:

New Year Ripple 090101

Details of the whys and wherefores can be found on The No-End-In-Sight Ripple-Along blog, but, as you can see, in three New Years I haven't gotten very far (and yes, I do occasionally - very occasionally - work on it at other times). Well, for 2009 I've resolved that all my WIPs will be subject to the "Finish It or Frog It" rule. I've got stacks of WIPs to get through but this one is a definite finisher!

Wishing you all a very productive 2009!

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Since January 2006
people have had too much time on their hands