All you fantastic bloggers out there - you really do make my day. I could spend, well,
forever just snooping here and there, happily flitting from one intriguing/delightful/informative blog to the next.
And, apparently, this little old blog of mine makes Sus' day, 'coz she's selected it for one of her ten "You Make My Day" Awards. I'm well chuffed!
So now I get to share ten of my favourite bloggers with you all. Lord knows I visit and enjoy many more than that but if I have to limit myself to ten, well, here goes:
Back at ya,
Sus! - and
Laurie and
Shula. You guys are the greatest!
And in the Rest In Peace section (sob!), the blogs that belonged to
Scott and
funny thing really
used to make my day - miss you!!
Labels: fun stuff, rambling