So Far, So Good

Blogging the journey...

Saturday, 13 October 2007

Been back a week...

...and I'm only now getting around to blogging. Blame jet-lag, unpacking, laundry, faltering attempts to get back to the normal routine. We're both still really tired and the weather's been decidely autumnal (read grey and wet) since we've been back, which doesn't help.

But we had a great time. It was so nice to see my step-dad and the new lady in his life. Well, not so new - they've been seeing each other for over a year now and they're getting married on 4 December! In Hawaii. Nice one! And I've seen the dress - it's lovely! Can you tell I'm pleased and excited?

I wish I could show you the beautiful autumn colours we saw as we drove over Stevens Pass to eastern Washington. Yellows, golds, intense oranges, and the reds were simply amazing. Sadly, no pictures of that bit - they wouldn't have done it justice anyway.

And to top it off it snowed! Ok, only for about 5 minutes, but hey, snow in September. I was thrilled! I love snow. I grew up in Canada - sue me.

This is the only "mountain scenery" picture I've got, taken in Winthrop at about 7am. It was cold. But it was great to be there.

For now, back to the ironing.

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people have had too much time on their hands